Registered office refers to the physical office address where a company is served with notices and other forms of communication. Every company in India is mandated to have an office that is registered and recognized by the government. Occasionally, business organizations may require altering this address. This process is referred to as the Registered Office Change or Update.
The Companies Act, 2013 contains provisions regarding alteration in the registered office. All of the above discourse can be traced in Section 12 of the Act. This provides a legal position that as per the Act a company has to have a registered office from the day the business starts or within 30 days from the date of incorporation, whichever is early.
This is because when a company alters its registered office, it is supposed to notify the ROC within 15 days. This is done by filing Form INC-22 along with the registered office address and the particulars of the change. The process may not be lengthy or could be extensive depending on whether the transfer is within the same city or to another state.
The details in your registered office must be updated. It can help your business get all important messages and prevent you from being fine for violating various laws.
At Compregi, we value this process because we know it is a key step. We can provide expert services to assist you in changing your registered office while effectively following all legal requirements.
We at Compregi believe in complete transparency in the complete registration process of your company. Below mentioned cost structure includes all the necessary government fees required at multiple stages of registration.
It is equally possible for any company registered in India to require changing or updating of the registered office address. This includes:
For the change of a registered office, certain documents are required and they vary depending on the type of change. However, some common documents include:
Board Resolution approving the change
Special Resolution (if required)
New registered office address evidence (Utility bill receipt, rent agreement, etc. )
Letter of Recommendation from the current office (if the new office is rented)
The Memorandum of Association has been amended, if any (in case of state change).
Changes relating to some creditors and debenture holders
Letterhead, visiting cards, newspaper advertisement copies (for some of the changes)
Affidavits and declarations as required by law
The procedure to alter a company’s registered office is different for each change. Here’s a general overview:
At Compregi, we know the process of organizing this form of tender and can make it as easy as possible for you. Our professionals are fully conversant with all the legalities of the matter and can help get your registered office change processed smoothly and effectively.
Here are the four main circumstances regarding the change of the registered office of a company. Let’s look at each of them:
This is the simplest type of change. Here’s what you need to do:
This process is a bit more involved:
This change requires more steps:
This is the most complex change:
Non-compliance attracts a daily penalty of ₹1000/-, which can be increased to ₹1,00,000/- for the company and every officer in default.
Business entities can alter their registered office for various reasons such as expansion, saving costs and or better strategic location, M&A.
Not necessarily. The registered office is used for address purposes in correspondence, and the head office is where the major organizational activities take place. Both the parts can be identical or different.
It is possible to register a residential address as your company’s registered office, but again, you need the correct permissions and must go through a series of legalities.
Yes, shareholders can alter the registered office at any time after incorporation under the Companies Act as long as the ROC is informed within 15 days of the change.